Hockey Festival 2011

2011 Festival Roster:

Bristowe, Christine - Cape Henlopen
Broadhurst, Samantha - Cape Henlopen
Hagan, Rachel - Cape Henlopen
Hoffman,Jessica - Kent Island
Kolobielski, Katie - GK - Cape Henlopen
Loomis, Jordie - Worcester Prep
Mills,Alyssa - Milford
More,Alyssa - Mt. Pleasant
More, Sarah - Mt. Pleasant
Shockley, Peyton - Milford
Steele, Jenna - Cape Henlopen
Taylor, Ryan - Mt. Pleasant
Weiler, Ruthie - Mt. Pleasant
Wise, Julia - Polytech
Yanacek,Rebekah - GK - Milford
Daily Results:
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Game 1: 1-1 vs Spitfire, goal scored by Jenna Steele with an assist from Sam Broadhurst
Game 2: 1-0 vs Spirit Eagles Blue, goal scored by Jenna Steele unassisted

Friday, November 25, 2011
Game 3: 1-6 vs High Styx Stampede, goal scored by Jordie Loomis with an assist from Jenna Steele
Game 4: 0-4 vs State College Blue Lion

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Game 5: TBD
Game 6: TBD

Festival 2011 Team